Outdoor lovers, the day-trippers and weekenders in your life are some of the easiest people to buy gifts for. The possibilities are endless from clothing to all sorts of outdoor gear. If you go searching, you’ll find lots of gift lists and so we have concentrated on just looking at what Muddy Meadow has to offer.
If you’re buying a gift for a dog owner, remember to print out our Dog Packing List to put in with their present.
Christmas Special Bundles
To help with your present shopping we’ve put together some special offers:
The Explorer Mug and Waxed Cap £25.00
Weekender Duffel Bag and Mug £35.00
The Day Tripper Thermal T-Shirt and Waxed Cap £40.00
Shop here to buy. We can post direct to you or gift-wrap with a hand-written card straight to the gift recipient (see option during check-out).
Duffel Bag
A robust over the shoulder bag that’s easy to carry and specifically designed for the outdoors. It’s waterproof so useful for putting in wet muddy gear to keep your car clean.
Dog adventures – carry dog towels, extra leads or water bottles, also for putting in any wet muddy towels and dog coats
Travelling – robust and strong for carrying outdoor kit
Days out with family and friends – carry picnic supplies and blankets
Thermal T-Shirt
A short-sleeved thermal t-shirt designed for the outdoors. Made from lightweight, stretchy microfleece which makes it great for those days when the weather isn’t quite chilly and isn’t quite warm. In wintertime it also works well layered over a long-sleeve top to keep the torso toasty. Sold in Black, Olive Green or Navy Blue in sizes small to extra-large.
Hiking – a useful multi-season top for all weathers
Travelling – easy to pack as it doesn’t crease and is easy to wash
Adventure activities – robust, wicks away sweat and dries fast if you get a bit wet
Waxed Cotton Cap
A baseball style cap made from waxed cotton with a timeless style to shield the face from the sun and keep heads dry in a rain-shower. Perfect for those four seasons in one day, it’s your days out and weekends away go to accessory. Available in Navy Blue or Brown.
Dog adventures – to keep in the bag in case of unexpected showers
Weekends away - stylish adjustable caps that suit everyone and are perfect for outdoor pursuits or sitting in a cafe
Boot Socks
These long socks are designed for comfort and warmth, whether you’re wearing wellies or walking boots. These are medium-weight socks that come up to your knee to provide extra protection on cold days. Made from a mix of alpaca and sheep wool with cotton and hemp and sold in multiple sizes.
Hiking – made from completely breathable fibres that don't hold odour or cause you to sweat
Weekends away – after a long day out they’ll keep feet toasty when curled up on a indoors
Muddy adventures with the kids – great for wearing with your wellies
These fingerless mittens are essential outdoor clothing for the colder months. A warm chunky hand and wrist warmer knitted in a soft blend of sheep and alpaca wool.
With a separate thumb hole and ribbed hem, they keep your hands toasty. Available in Beige or Grey.
Dog walking – hands are toasty while keeping fingers uncovered to make it easier to hold a lead
Outdoor activities – keeping your fingers uncovered makes it easier to work outside
Enamel Mug & Carabiner
This is the perfect mug for drinks on the go in the outdoors. It is a classic design that is lightweight and sturdy and ideal for hot or cold beverages. They are sold with a silver carabiner to attach onto bags to save space and keep them from being lost. Available in Blue or Green.
Day-trips – take with a flask full of hot chocolate or soup for a picnic lunch
Weekends away – not only perfect for a morning coffee, can be re-used for a cold tipple in the evening